COVID-19 Update
•Posted on March 13 2020

Taking care of you & yours, by taking care of ours.
As you know, all Ostomy Bag Holder & PouchWear ostomy support products are hand-made by ostomates, or their friends & family. We have always taken great care to ensure that the supports we offer meet the highest standards that, as ostomates, we know are needed.
This is practiced in the products that we offer, as well as the policies & methods utilized in tailoring those products for you. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Purchasing & using high quality materials
- All items are hand-made, meaning individual attention to detail & quality tailoring
- All items tailored in, and shipped from, Arizona, United States of America
- Protective eye wear & gloves are used throughout prepping, tailoring, dispatching, & shipping processes
We understand that concerns & uncertainty may be experienced surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), especially as ostomates are a more 'at risk' community due to additional underlying health conditions. We are committed to continuing to do our part, in both reducing anxieties, & possible illness concerns. With this in mind, here are a few things to know:
- Washing your hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds, and not touching your face, will help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
- Face masks have been added to daily tailoring & dispatching operations, in conjunction with previously used procedures, including protective eye wear, gloves, and disinfectants used in cleaning all tailoring machinery.
- Tailoring &/or dispatching time frames may increase for pre-sized &/or custom tailored items to allow for the extra precautions & implementations.
- Pre-sized supports may experience a reduced return/exchange time frame. All international returns/exchanges will remain on hold until further notice.
- COVID-19 can remain on non-porous surfaces for up to 9 days, however, transport methods during shipping can virtually eliminate traces by the time packages reach your doorstep. For additional security, however, always wipe down packages prior to handling, and wash hands thoroughly after handing, and disposing of, the packaging.
"Persistence & resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems." -Gever Tulley - Center For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) - World Health Organization (WHO) - Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - Yahoo LifeStyle |